About Kulform

Kulform is a small company owned and run by me, Linda Kullenberg. Since the start in 2016, it has gone from side job to full time job and a dream come true! In the web shop, which is constantly growing, I collect things that I myself like and, above all, things that I invent, design and produce myself. To help me, I have you – an amazing group of customers, who come with feedback and wishes for new stuff!

The lists of ideas for new inventions are constantly growing. There is so much that could have made life a little prettier and a little more fun – both at home and at work! If you have a problem that you think we can solve together, please get in touch!

I really do everything I can so that all of you who shop at kulform.se will be really satisfied with what you find with me. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or requests, big or small!

Linda Kullenberg

Linda Kullenberg, founder – and everything else at Kulform

Company details

Kulform Handelsbolag is a registered company in Sweden.
Registration number: 969781-2965
VAT: SE969781296501
Address: Kulform HB, Näsbergsvägen 75, SE 439 55 Åsa, Sweden

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